Friday, May 13, 2011


Let me first start off by saying “you tell’em!”  On that note, I am sure you can tell that I obviously agree with Miss De Los Santos and Denying Women the right to live their own Life, their way.  I too was shocked when I saw how far this bill had made its way through Congress, and the only reason I have not commented on it sooner is because I truly didn’t think it would make it that far.  So, now all I feel I can do is jump on the “really?!” bus.    
As most people, issues tend to bother me more when I have been affected by it in some way.  One thing that I have unfortunately seen for years now is unwanted children.  Not only have I gotten to truly see how many of them there are but also the effects caused by women trying to abort in a “do it yourself” manner  with drugs and alcohol.  I also have seen the effects that drugs and alcohol can cause when a baby survives through horrible odds. My aunt is a foster mom and has been one for the past 11 years.  In those 11 years, she has housed, fed, and loved 72 of those “unwanted children,” and this does not include the numerous kids that were placed in her home on an emergency receipt basis. 
Did you know that according to the census bureau there were roughly 463,000 Kids in Foster Care in 2008?  So again, why would we want to pass a House Bill 15 that can ultimately only end up guilting a woman into keeping an unwanted child? As the numbers show we already have enough.  

Monday, May 2, 2011

Someone to Blame

I am not sure if you got to be one of the 3.5 million Texans recently informed that there was this large security breach with our personal information, but I was.  I got this awesome letter informing me of the State’s incompetency. And while I am happy that the State is trying to make amends, and I do appreciate them trying to make up for it by giving me free credit report monitoring for a year that is simply not enough.  And although I agree more should be done to correct this ridiculous and inexcusable error, I do not agree with all of the blame being put on the Comptroller. Comptroller heads to Court after Security Breach I mean, this is the lady who handles the State’s budget and monetary funds this is not the State’s IT team.  Shouldn't they be the ones monitoring the "information lines" we are sending information through and making sure they are encrypted and secure, not the Comptroller?! I mean, I work with sensitive information myself and if I was conducting my daily business with my supposedly secure server and then, as it turns out, the server I am using is not secure, you aren't going to blame me the AP Clerk nor the accountants, someone in IT is going to get their butt jumped.  So, why is that not the case in this situation? Personally it makes me wonder; when I was unemployed I used the Texas Work Force Commission to help me find a job.  They too are part of the State system; does that mean my info is going to be leaked again? Oh! That’s right, that's one of the ways it was leaked to begin with; so again, shouldn't we be pointing our finger at the people whomever they maybe that handles the State’s "secure servers”?